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Written on June 10, 2019
CLICK THIS LINK TO REGISTER SPEAKERS: Atty. Euney Marie J. Mata-Perez Atty. Mark Anthony P. Tamayo Atty. Gerardo Maximo V. Francisco TOPICS:  The Tax Reform Package by Atty. Euney Mata-Perez Updates on the recent developments in the implementation of the TRAIN Law Salient features of the recently enacted Tax Amnesty...
Written on June 6, 2019
By: Euney Marie J. Mata-Perez on June 6, 2019 MTF Tax and Legal Seminar Before I discuss today’s topic, I would like to invite everyone to our CPD-accredited legal and tax seminar scheduled on July 17, 2019. Please check our website, or email us at if interested. Topics...
Written on June 4, 2019
By: Atty. Medienne Isabelle M. Castillon On May 30, 2019, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) requested the public to comment on the latest version of the General Information Sheet (GIS) which requires the disclosure of beneficial owners. Pursuant to SEC Memorandum Circular No. 17, Series of 2018, the latest...
Written on May 30, 2019
By: Euney Marie J. Mata-Perez on May 30, 2019 A corporation is an artificial person with a juridical personality separate from its stockholders, directors, and officers. With this personality, corporations enjoy the benefits of succession, limited liability protection, centralized management and generally free-transferability of shares. However, this separate personality can...
Written on May 23, 2019
By: Euney Marie J. Mata-Perez on May 23, 2019 To promote good governance and protect minority stockholders, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) recently issued Memorandum Circular No. 10, Series of 2019, promulgating the Rules on Material Related Party Transactions for Publicly-Listed Companies. The rules became effective on April 27,...
Written on May 16, 2019
By: Euney Marie J. Mata-Perez on May 16, 2019 The Asia-Oceana Tax Consultants’ Association, as represented by its President, Atty. Euney Marie J. Mata-Perez, attended as an observer of the first Conference of the Belt and Road Initiative Tax Administration Cooperation Forum (BRITACOF) hosted by the State Taxation Administration of...
Written on May 16, 2019
By: Euney Marie J. Mata-Perez on May 16, 2019 China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is a development strategy adopted by the Chinese government involving infrastructure development and investments in various countries and international organizations in Europe, Asia, Middle East, Latin America and Africa. “Belt” refers to the overland routes...
Written on May 14, 2019
By: Samantha L. Poblacion on May 10, 2019 The Philippine startup community awaits with bated breath for the approval of the Innovative Startup Bill. According to a senate press release in May 2018, the bill will provide support to innovative and tech startups, which pertain to businesses that provide unique...
Written on May 2, 2019
By: Nica Marsha Gasapo on May 2, 2019 Yesterday, May 1, was Labor Day and April was Autism Awareness Month. For today’s article, we will discuss Philippine laws geared toward the welfare and integration of persons with disability (PWDs). These laws seek to destroy social barriers that prejudice the rights...
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