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Written on December 2, 2021
By Euney Marie Mata-Perez on December 2, 2021 Last Monday, November 29, 2021, I had the privilege of moderating a tax lecture sponsored by the Ateneo Law Alumni Association, Inc. (ALAAI) entitled “You Can Run But You Can’t Hide From Taxes”. The main speaker was Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR)...
Written on November 25, 2021
By Euney Marie Mata-Perez on November 25, 2021 On Sept. 21, 2021, the House of Representatives passed on third reading House Bill 7425 (HB 7425), which seeks to amend the National Internal Revenue Code (Tax Code) to impose a 12-percent value-added tax (VAT) on the sale of digital services and...
Written on November 18, 2021
By Euney Marie Mata-Perez on November 18, 2021 Tax avoidance and tax evasion are the two most common ways used by taxpayers to not pay taxes or pay reduced taxes. Tax avoidance is the use of tax-saving devices within the means sanctioned by law and where the taxpayer acts in...
Written on November 11, 2021
By Euney Marie Mata-Perez on November 11, 2021 Nothing is certain except death and taxes, Benjamin Franklin wrote in 1789. It is a statement remains true today. Tax compliance is certain, too, with its attendant costs, uncertainty at times, and pains. So for the government to collect more taxes, it...
Written on November 4, 2021
By Ellaine Anne Bernardino on November 4, 202 Proper serving of notices of assessment from the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) is crucial. If done improperly, the assessment can be invalidated because of the lack of due process. Section 228 of the National Internal Revenue Code provides that the taxpayer...
Written on October 28, 2021
By Nica Marsha Gasapo on October 28, 2021 The Data Privacy Act of 2012 (DPA) was enacted to protect the fundamental human right of privacy and communication while ensuring the free flow of information. Through the DPA, the state recognizes the important role of information and communication technology in nation-building...
Written on October 22, 2021
By Euney Marie Mata-Perez on October 21, 2021 First of two-part Having incurred losses during the Covid-19 pandemic, companies can avail of the net operating loss carry-over deduction (Nolco) pursuant to the National Internal Revenue Code (Tax Code), as amended, as well as certain special laws. Section 34(D)(3) of the Tax Code provides that...
Written on October 14, 2021
By: Elaine Anne Bernardino on October 14, 2021 Our National Internal Revenue Code (“Tax Code”) mandates that interest and a 25-percent surcharge (50 percent in case of bad faith) are due when a taxpayer is late in the payment of taxes. However, there have been instances where interest and surcharge...
Written on October 11, 2021
By Euney Marie Mata-Perez on October 11, 2021 We have seen significant progress in the Comprehensive Tax Reform Program, which is an offshoot of President Rodrigo Duterte’s campaign promise to improve the income tax system and make it progressive. Republic Act 10963 or the Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion...
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