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Written on November 13, 2020
By. Atty. Euney Marie Mata-Perez on November 12,2020. A government or state exercises its taxing power and authority only on taxpayers, income or transactions that fall within its jurisdiction. Thus, the situs, or place, of taxation is critical in determining whether or not a state has the power to tax,...
Written on October 29, 2020
By: Atty.Aziza Hannah Bacay on October 29,2020. It has been more than a year since Republic Act 11213, or the “Tax Amnesty Act” (TAA), was enacted. It became effective on March 1, 2019. The TAA originally provided for an estate tax amnesty, a general tax amnesty and a tax amnesty...
Written on October 22, 2020
By: Atty. Euney Marie Mata-Perez on October 22,2020 Quarantine measures imposed by governments that restrict travel and movement because of the Covid-19 pandemic do not only affect economies, but also tax rules. In taxation and international tax treaty rules, the number of days a taxpayer or its employees and agents...
Written on October 16, 2020
By Atty. Kathleen Guiang on October 15,2020 The Covid-19 pandemic has not only prompted a global health emergency, but also caused severe global economic stress. In response, the government has implemented various measures and programs to manage its impact. To execute and sustain them, the government had to reallocate some...
Written on October 8, 2020
By: Atty. Nica Marsha Gasapo on October 8,2020 The Supreme Court has emphasized that a person’s employment — the main source of livelihood for most families — is something that no one may be deprived of without due process of law. This basic doctrine has gained special significance after the...
Written on October 1, 2020
By: Atty. Ellaine Anne Bernardino & Ramon Dy on October 1,2020 The coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) pandemic has caused numerous businesses to close and millions of Filipinos to lose their jobs. It has also led countless Filipinos under quarantine to use the internet to earn a living, resulting in a...
Written on September 24, 2020
By: Atty. Mark Anthony Tamayo on September 24,2020. Through the enactment of Republic Act (RA) 9282, the jurisdiction of the Court of Tax Appeals (CTA) has been expanded to include not only civil tax and customs duties cases, but also cases that are criminal in nature, local tax and property...
Written on September 17, 2020
By: Atty. Irish May Quintana on September 17,2020. In an effort to adopt technological advancements and incorporate developments in the law, jurisprudence and international conventions, the Supreme Court (SC) proposed amendments to the revised rules on evidence (RRE) in A.M. 19-08-15-SC, which took effect on May 1, 2020. The material...
Written on September 11, 2020
By: Atty. Euney Marie Mata-Perez on September 10,2020. In a landmark decision handed out on March 10, 2020, the Supreme Court (SC) declared void the 30-year-old foreign equity limitation on construction companies imposed under the “Revised Rules and Regulations Governing the Licensing and Accreditation of Contractors in the Philippines” or the...
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