Dear Valued Clients and Friends,
We are sending to you a copy of Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) Revenue Memorandum Order (RMO) No. 10-2020 dated March 30, 2020, which provides for the exemption from Authority to Release Imported Goods (ATRIG) requirements of all goods imported under Section 4, Paragraph (o) of Bayanihan to Heal as One Act.
The following shall be released from the customs custody without need of an ATRIG:
All importations of health equipment and supplies deemed as critical or needed to address the current public health emergency, declared as exempt from VAT and excise taxes under the Bayanihan to Heal as One Act
Importation of materials needed to produce the health equipment and supplies; provided that the importing manufacturer is included in the Master List of the Department of Trade and Industry and other incentive granting bodies
The exemption from ATRIG requirement shall cover those who arrived and were cleared by the Bureau of Customs during the 3 month effectivity of the Bayanihan to Heal as One Act, unless extended or withdrawn by Congress or ended by Presidential Proclamation.
BIR RMO 10-2020
#BureauOfInternalRevenue #RevenueMemorandumOrder #BIRRMO #BIRRM0102020 #AuthorityToReleaseImportedGoods #ATRIG